Articles - Archives

Volume: 2   Issue: 1


Female Genital Mutilation: Slow Progress?
John Simister*
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Peripartum Cardiomyopathy - A Brief Review
Sreelatha S*, Shruthi A, Jayanthi SP and Vandana A
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Life Threatening Corpus Luteum Haemorrhage in a Patient on Oral Anticoagulants - A Challenging Case
Kathpalia KS1*, Shinde M1, Mehrotra M2 and Sahoo KSP2
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Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Skin in a Nigerian
Onuigbo WIB1* and Nnabuko RE2
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Secondary Prevention in Uterine Cervix Cancer: What is the Most Adequate Screening Strategy?
José Y*, Baquedano L, Ortega S and Ruiz Conde MA
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